Posts Tagged ‘solutions’

Posted on: December 19th, 2014 by Jana Hartwell | No Comments

‘Twas just weeks before Christmas, when I looked ’round my house…

And feelings were stirring that I just couldn’t douse.
The clutter was piled up in mounds all around,
While piles, dust and overwhelm all did abound.

No visions of sugarplums danced in my head,
Just feelings of angst and confusion and dread.
The papers were piled on the table so high
“There’s no chance of mealtime,” I thought with a sigh.

Just thinking of guests that would come all too soon
Had made me panic and wish it was June.
Aackk! People are coming! Oh, where will they stay?
I must move this clutter. It’s all in the way.

I want to have family and friends to enjoy,BEFORE-Close up of Sete by Window
To entertain, decorate, bake and…oh, boy.
“I meant to get to it”, I heard myself whine,
But now it’s December and we’re down to the line.

I thought I could do it myself if I tried,
But it was too much and my brain felt so fried.
I needed some help and knew whom to call
A Professional Organizer who’s on the ball.

My organizer friend was so lively and quick
Before I knew it, we were ready for St. Nick!
She helped me to think in a rational way.
I still had some time; they’re not coming today.

She settled me down and said, “You’ll be alright.
Now take a deep breath and this clutter we’ll fight.
We’ll start in one room and just put things away
Stuff with no ‘home’ won’t be able to stay.”

2014-12-06 08.14.32We cleared and we sorted, we put things away
I was so glad I had not waited just one more day!
We purged and we sorted and made such a clatter
The donation bags got fatter and fatter.”

Soon tabletops showed up and floors all got clearedAFTER-Close up of Sete by Window
There’s so much more room now, it almost feels weird.
With Karen’s help I got so much more done,
She’s taught me the process, we even had fun.

I love it!  I said as I looked all around.
I couldn’t believe all the lost stuff I’d found!
I’d managed okay while the stuff was all lost
But realized I’d be fine if most just got tossed.

I could go on but I think I’ll stop here
And wish every one of you holiday cheer.
Oh, and by the way, if your shopping’s not done-
Choose gifts they’ll want, need or use up and you’ve all won!

Wishing you joy and peace inside of your home.
And so I’ll exclaim as I send my newsletter
Merry Christmas to all! Be a clutter go-getter!

All rights to this poem go to my New York NAPO colleague:
© 2014 Karen Sheesley

Jana Hartwell, CPO®
Sensible Organizing Solutions, Inc.
(858) 300-5757 or (619) 302-5254

SOS…    Helping smart, busy people make room for what they love best!

Posted on: December 19th, 2014 by Jana Hartwell | No Comments

Organizing for the Holidays

Fall is a great time to organize for the holidays. Stores are full of Halloween costumes and treats with some already setting up aisles of Christmas//Hannukah themes.

But wait… Don’t you already have rafters or storage closets full of holiday decorations from years’ past?  Most people I know have many bins (some even entire storage units) full.

Instead of giving into the temptation of purchasing new holiday decorations, why not save hundreds or thousands of dollars by shopping from your own supplies?  To make this more pleasurable, first do the following:

1) Gather all holiday items from every part of your home and/or storage areas into one space.
2) Remove everything from the boxes and bins.
3) Sort and Categorize items by holidays (e.g., Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hannukah, New Year’s, etc.)
4) Evaluate everything to see what may need to be repaired, donated or tossed. this is also a great time to untangle lights, cords or other messes caused from last year’s rush to clean up.
5) Choose the best of the best to decorate your home with this year. Anything not being put on display can now be re-evaluated. Is it time to let it go?

This exercise will most likely take several hours and for some, several days!  😉

Make the process easier by inviting me in to do the sorting and categorizing part. Once all is nicely arranged, all you need do is shop from your own, well-organized holiday store!

Jana Hartwell, CPO®

Sensible Organizing Solutions, Inc.
(858) 300-5757 or (619) 302-5254
Helping smart, busy people make room for what they love best!