Posts Tagged ‘reducing clutter’

Posted on: December 19th, 2014 by Jana Hartwell | No Comments

Organizing for the Holidays

Fall is a great time to organize for the holidays. Stores are full of Halloween costumes and treats with some already setting up aisles of Christmas//Hannukah themes.

But wait… Don’t you already have rafters or storage closets full of holiday decorations from years’ past?  Most people I know have many bins (some even entire storage units) full.

Instead of giving into the temptation of purchasing new holiday decorations, why not save hundreds or thousands of dollars by shopping from your own supplies?  To make this more pleasurable, first do the following:

1) Gather all holiday items from every part of your home and/or storage areas into one space.
2) Remove everything from the boxes and bins.
3) Sort and Categorize items by holidays (e.g., Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hannukah, New Year’s, etc.)
4) Evaluate everything to see what may need to be repaired, donated or tossed. this is also a great time to untangle lights, cords or other messes caused from last year’s rush to clean up.
5) Choose the best of the best to decorate your home with this year. Anything not being put on display can now be re-evaluated. Is it time to let it go?

This exercise will most likely take several hours and for some, several days!  😉

Make the process easier by inviting me in to do the sorting and categorizing part. Once all is nicely arranged, all you need do is shop from your own, well-organized holiday store!

Jana Hartwell, CPO®

Sensible Organizing Solutions, Inc.
(858) 300-5757 or (619) 302-5254
Helping smart, busy people make room for what they love best!

Posted on: November 20th, 2013 by Jana Hartwell | No Comments

Thankfulness. Are you happy with all that you have?

How often do you just look around and feel thankful?

I truly believe that when we are thankful for what (and whom) we have, we honor them.

Honoring the loved ones in our life means treating them with respect and adoration; doing all you can to care for and protect them.

Honoring our belongings means the same. If you have a treasure, you will give it a home, display it proudly, care for it and keep it safe from harm.

Most of my clients have an abundance of “stuff” that they profess to LOVE, yet these items are not always being treated with respect. They are thrown haphazardly on floors and other surfaces or jumbled together with many random items; collecting dust and sometimes mixed with trash. If each of your belongings were truly treasures, wouldn’t they be lovingly cared for (clean, in good repair) and placed in clearly designated homes after each use?

I truly believe that when we constantly acquire stuff, we are attempting to fill a void. Does having all of this stuff fulfill us? Or does it simply distract you from focusing on what’s really important? Do you sometimes feel a sting of emptiness in your soul as you look around at all the excess?

Think about what Brother David Steindl-Rast says above:  “Love wholeheartedly, be surprised, give thanks and praise — then you will discover the fullness of your life”

I’ve discovered the fullness of my life as I do what I am passionate about on a regular basis. Helping you to create beauty and order out of what was once a cluttered, chaotic space brings me great joy–it fills me up. Whenever you send out an SOS… I am given the opportunity to happily do what I LOVE and make a positive impact.

As Thanksgiving Day nears, think and speak often about what and whom you are grateful for. Being truly thankful for what you have gives you a sense of fullness, making it less likely you will seek to surround yourself with more and more stuff.

And let’s face it: The less stuff you have, the less likely you will be tripping over clutter!

This Thanksgiving season, I am thankful for YOU!  Your trust and loyalty means the world to me.

Posted on: December 1st, 2012 by Jana Hartwell | No Comments

Patterns of greed, over-consumption and instant gratification create financial and spiritual havoc that leave many insecure and empty. Instead of feeling the joy of abundance, we often feel the sting of debt and a restless soul.

We’ve been led to believe that if it is on sale and we can get a “good deal”, there is no reason not to buy it — whatever IT is. Advertising hype may impel us to part with our hard-earned income in exchange for items we don’t even appreciate after a day or two. These unappreciated things end up cluttering our lives and blocking personal growth.

Instead of allowing yourself to get caught up anymore in the frenzy of acquiring more things (even gifts for others), try focusing instead on giving more time, energy and quality attention to loved ones and friends. Notice all the blessings you have, both material and immaterial and be grateful.

Gratefulness erases the void that no thing can fill and replenishes you with great fullness.

The more you honor what you already have, the less you will want for more.

So I ask again… Can gratefulness reduce clutter?

Jana Hartwell, CPO

Sensible Organizing Solutions