Posts Tagged ‘grab and go kit’

Posted on: August 21st, 2013 by Jana Hartwell | No Comments

As September is “National Preparedness Month” let’s all take a few moments to take stock of just what we would do when disaster strikes.

  1. Do you have an emergency escape plan from home and work? Have you practiced it?
  2. What about a “grab-and-go” kit? Is it updated?
  3. If your loved ones are not with you when disaster hits, will you know they are out of harm’s way?
  4. How will you care for your pets?
  5. Do you know how to best reach each of your loved ones to see if all are safe and report that you are?

These are just a few of many things to consider when preparing for a possible disaster. Various resources can be found on the internet, but since we are particularly susceptible to wildfires in San Diego, here are two sites I highly recommend you make time to review:

Be ready. It’s not a matter of if disaster will strike, but when.

Jana Hartwell, CPO®