Home Needs Assessment
Home Needs Assessment – Organize for Clarity
To begin your journey, we start with a home needs assessment. This process shows us where you are, where you want to be and how SOS will help you get there. The goal is to discover your natural organizing style, discuss what is and is not working for you, and determine just how ready you are for Sensible Organizing Solutions.
During this first session, SOS will not only provide on-the-spot tips, solutions and training, we will also help you physically transform an area of your home or office space. By the end of this session, we will have created a dramatic improvement in your environment and have a plan in place for you to continue the process, with or without SOS.
The needs assessment process gives us information we need to help you move forward with confidence, from where you are now to where you really want to be.
Are You Ready?
Request a Consultation via email. Or, call Jana directly at 858-300-5757